I was contacted via the Dorking Repair Cafe to ask if I could recane a chair seat. I had a look and agreed, on the understanding that I am not a professional caner. But I did guarantee that it would be useable.
The old seat was in danger of dumping the sitter on the floor! As well as being baggy and breaking down in several places. So, having photographed it, I cut it out and, like anything organic, into the compost heap it went.
Because the holes were very close together, I needed to use extra fine cane - 2mm. The first runs are held in place with golf tees - this is the easy part. Essential is soaking the cane thoroughly and keeping it damp.
Now at 90 degrees..
Until there are two runs each way, interwoven. Now space the canes apart - at the next stage they become fixed in place and can't be adjusted.
Start the diagonals - fiddly work. Every one must go up and down through the correct holes, or the pattern won't emerge correctly. Especially difficult at the edges, where they have to go under canes which are on the surrounds, so no space around them. Just have to take your time...
Once they are done, a single line of thicker came round the edge, held in place by, yes, yet more cane, and it's all finished. I gave all the wood a clean with lemon polish, and delivered it back to a delighted owner. I thoroughly enjoyed doing it - however it took many hours, and I missed my turning while I was doing it...so watch for more turned pieces soon